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Legal aspects to start your business in Costa Rica

Legal Chang

Anyone who decides to create a company will know that its incorporation entails making important decisions, as well as a series of legal and administrative procedures that must be carried out before starting its operation, so it is necessary to take into account the following legal aspects to start your business in Costa Rica:

New Business
SME procedures

What should I know to start a business in Costa Rica?

First, you need to choose a suitable corporate structure for your business: a Sociedad Anónima or a Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada are the most common in Costa Rica. Once you have decided which structure to use, you will need to register your company: this includes registering the company with the Commercial Registry of Costa Rica. The documents required to complete the registration process vary depending on the type of company and its location. This procedure must be carried out by an authorized Notary Public.

Second, obtain the corresponding licenses and patents: according to the General Health Law and General Regulations for sanitary operating permits, all industrial, commercial and service establishments must have the authorization or Sanitary Operating Permit to operate in the national territory. This will depend on the company's activity. You can see the requirements on the Ministry of Health website.

Thirdly, it is important to take into account tax obligations ; you must be aware of the taxes applicable to your company. Taxes in Costa Rica include Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) and General Sales Tax, which must be reported to the Ministry of Finance on the dates established by the entity.

Fourthly, if you need to hire staff, it is important that you understand Costa Rica's labor laws . Labor laws establish the rights and obligations of employees and employers, including minimum wage, working hours, annual vacations, social security rights, and termination, among others.

Fifth, it is necessary to understand copyright legislation. Costa Rica has strict legislation regarding intellectual property, this means that owners of businesses, brands, products, software, recipes, among others, must ensure that they protect their copyright, as well as ensure that their brand is not violating the limitations of this law.

Procedures for starting a business
SME procedures

We hope this content has been very useful to you. At Legal Chang we want to serve as a guide for the successful development of your business. If you require high-quality legal advice, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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